Several weeks ago, I went shopping--aimlessly--not really having any thoughts on what to buy. Did I really even have a reason to go shopping? Not really.
Girls. That's what we do.
I love bargain shopping. Consignment shops. Thrift stores. Garage sales. Vintage shops. Regular mall sales. Basically, anywhere with cheap great finds, I'm there!
To me, fashion is really about creativity and stepping out of the known territory and trying something new. I'm not only talking about a new style--I'm talking about a new SIZE. Yes, that's right. A. New. Size.
With my innate ability to sniff out bargain goods and my wonderful sense of adventure, I was able to find a beautiful pink chunky knit sweater that was 10x the size I normally wear for EIGHT. FRICKIN'. BUCKS (tax included). I found it on the clearance rack at Smart Set. The sales girl and the manager were probably relieved to see someone pick up the poor neglected sweater. It was an XL and I'm an XS.
With a little bit of alterations done to the shoulders (I had it taken up an inch), I now am the happy owner of a pink chunky knit sweater which by the way is so fun and easy to rock in the Fall and Winter.
Who says eight bucks can't buy style?

Photography by Cindy Wu Photography