Friday, October 29, 2010

KFC Double Down? Move Aside!

No hard work ever goes unrewarded. Our customers let us know that in the form of little gifts. Today, we received the most unusual gift and one that will make your stomach churn.

Mr. Eddy Ng is our most loyal customer to date--purchasing on average 7 suits a year from us. We call him the "chicken man" because he is the owner of the famous Wing Tat Free-Range Chicken Farm. Mr.Ng is a boisterous 84 year old man who speaks a Chinese dialect that, to me, sounds like how Cantonese sounds to a non-Cantonese speaking person--funny and noisy. I speak Cantonese myself and I have to admit, it's one of the most unpleasant sounding languages in the world.

I like Mr. Ng because he's interesting and he's familiar. My day probably wouldn't be complete if I didn't see him walk by our store on the way to the grocery store and back, but always stopping by to give my mother and I each a banana. Sometimes he switches it up with apples and oranges to spice things up a little.

Mr. Ng walked by today and surprised us with--not bananas or apples--but a frozen WHOLE free-range chicken with a head, eyeballs, guts, feet and all.

Oh, Mr.Ng! What a generous gift!

My mom was so excited about this chicken that, immediately when she got home, she stripped it of its skin and chucked it into a boiling pot of Chinese wholesome goodness made of herbs.

*Warning: The following pictures are graphic and may make you sick to the stomach. Readers' discretion is advised. And for those of you who like sick things, scroll down. And for those of you who are Chinese, disregard this warning--I'm sure you've seen this and worse before.

You sick Chinese people...what don't you eat?!

This ain't no rubber chicken.