Tiramisu cake
Do you like stories? I like stories. Let me tell you one because I just can't keep a good story to myself.
One bright summer afternoon, I was rearranging the store merchandise and dusting the place. I usually have the door open to let in fresh air--especially when I'm cleaning. As I was sorting and moving some couple hundred rolls of fabric, I heard some loud sobbing alternating with some firm lecturing just outside the door.
Without going outside, I shifted my stance and tilted my head a little to peer out the door to see what the commotion was all about.
I saw a small boy crying his eyes out and someone who looked to be his father standing over him, telling him what he did wrong.
Aww, poor kid. Looks like he really got himself into trouble, I thought. I was watching long enough to know what the little boy had done to deserve a lecture. Just as I was about to turn around and get back to work, the dad saw me staring.
In my head: Oh crap. I got caught. Maybe I should wave to make it look like I'm friendly so he doesn't think I'm snooping and being creepy.
So I waved and smiled. (That's not so creepy right?)
I don't remember if the dad actually waved back but he brought the little boy into the store. (Guess I didn't come off as creepy. Phew!)
"Hello! Why are you crying? Did you do something bad?"
"What did you do?"
Daddy ushered him to tell me. "I jumped out of the truck." The boy murmured.
"He knows he's not supposed to jump out of the truck." The dad confirms.
"You learned your lesson right? Next time, don't jump out of the truck! You want a banana?"
(Yes, I offered the little boy a banana. Not candy. But a healthy wholesome banana. I thought a banana would cheer him up.)
"Yes." The little boy smiled shyly and took the banana in his hand. He didn't even wait and started chomping on it. He looked hungry.
The dad explained that he had had a long day of physical activities and was going to the bakery nearby to get some buns. So off they went.
Some several weeks went by and I saw them walk by again. The dad was taking the little boy back to the bakery to get grandma a mango cake for her birthday. "Oh, I like their mango cake. It's tasty." I said.
A few days later, the dad waltzed in with a box in his hand and gave it to me... "You like mango cake right?" he said to me.
What a very nice thing to do! I love random acts of kindness. Small things like these can make someone's day. I love being nice to people because you know they'll always be nice back--well, most of the time. I have faith in everyone.
It had been many months but I saw the dad walk by yesterday and wave to me through the glass. I waved back excitedly because it was like seeing an old friend.
About an hour later, he came in and handed me a box. "You like Tiramisu right?"
I took it trying not to laugh. "Yah. That's right. Tiramisu."
The moral of this story: You can be nosy and creepy but as long as you know how to be kind, you'll get cakes, though you may not get the right one everytime.