AGB: Cindy, did you get my email?! Something happened to my suit.
Me: What happened to your suit?
AGB: There's a big hole in my pants. I don't know how that happened. What can I do?
Me: Find a tailor and get it fixed. Or just get a new suit. But don't throw away your old suit. Your pants can be fixed.
AGB: Cindy, this is Korea! They wear shiny suits here. I don't want a shiny suit.
Me: Well, then just bring your pants to a tailor.
(I wish I could be more helpful Aviation Geek Boy but when you're thousands of miles away, there's really not much I or my tailors can do for you. He he he.)

This was the attached image. First generation iPhone picture quality. Tsk tsk.
Just a word of advice for anybody who travels for work: always pack more than one suit or at least an extra pair of matching trousers.
That's why I always advise any customer when he/she is ordering a suit to get two pairs of pants instead of the one because pants wear out way faster than the jacket. It's next to impossible to get an exact pair made again because styles are always changing and suiting manufacturers don't normally do repeats.